Criterion - V - Student Support And Progression


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5.1.1A range of capability building and skill enhancement initiatives are undertaken by the institution such as.5.1.1 a5.1.1 b  
5.1.3Total grants received for research projects from government and / or non-government agencies during the last five years.5.1.3 a5.1.3 b5.1.3 c5.1.3 d
5.1.4Institution provides additional support to needy students in several ways such as:5.1.4 a5.1.4 b5.1.4 c 
5.2.2Number of outgoing students progressing from PG / M. Phil. to Ph.D.5.2.2 a5.2.2 b  
5.2.3Number of students qualifying in state/ national level examinations (eg: NET/SLET/ TET/ CTET) during the last five years.5.2.3 a   
5.3.1Number of students participating in outreach activities organized by the institution.5.3.1 a5.3.1 b5.3.1 c 
5.3.2Average number of sports and cultural events organized at the institution during the last five years.5.3.2 a5.3.2 b  
5.4.1Alumni Association/Chapter (registered / non-registered but functional) contributes significantly for the development of the institution.5.4.1 a5.4.1 b  
5.4.2Alumni has an active role in the regular institutional functioning such as.5.4.2 a5.4.2 b5.4.2 c 
5.4.3Institution has linkages with schools and other educational agencies for both academic and outreach activities and jointly organizes.5.4.3 a5.4.3 b  
5.4.4Alumni Association acts as an effective support system to the institution in motivating students as well as recognizing, nurturing and furthering any special talent/s in them.5.4.4 a