Criterion-IV - Infrastructure And Learning Resources


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4.1.1The Institution has adequate facilities for Teaching- Learning.4.1.1 a4.1.1 b
4.1.2Percentage of classrooms and seminar hall(s) with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart classroom, LMS, video and sound systems etc. during the last completed academic year.4.1.2 a 
4.2.1Institution has adopted automation of library using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) or any other software.4.2.1 a 
4.2.2Institution has remote access to library resources which students and teachers use frequently.4.2.2 a4.2.2 b
4.2.3Institution has subscription for e-resources and has membership/ registration.4.2.3 a4.2.3 b
4.2.5Percentage per day usage of library by teachers and students.4.2.5 a 
4.3.2Student – Computer ratio for last completed academic year.4.3.2 a 
4.3.3Internet bandwidth available in the institution.4.3.3 a4.3.3 b
4.4.1Percentage expenditure incurred exclusively on maintenance of physical and academic support facilities.4.4.1 a